07.13k: Of Moats and Marionettes

The goings on of courts
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Re: 07.13k: Of Moats and Marionettes

Post by Rasanam »

Rasanam ponders. "You raise some good objections to ambassador status... and come to think of it, I don't really want to set the precedent that it's okay for foreign powers to send in spies. Maybe shut down the churches, destroy all but one and leave that one officially closed 'pending Lane's application for ambassador status'?"
Missing Some Marbles
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Re: 07.13k: Of Moats and Marionettes

Post by kitsunenotsume »

"I'll leave the discussion of precedents and protocol to you," Caelund comments with a shrug and a sly grin. "It isn't like there is a Card declaring that I have a seat in one of the Four Courts; I'm simply a surprisingly fortuitous merchant who happened to be in the right place at the right time to receive a windfall invitation to the party. Hopefully it remains consistent in that regard, but time shall tell."

"Check", he declares abruptly, moving the last of his four pawns into an lopsided wedge formation*.
*: And only remaining black pieces on the board at this point. The formation is on the diagonals, 2 on one leg and 3 on the other.
OOC: Kinda looks like conversation overall is petering off, so presuming no objections Caelund will be wrapping up his participation here soon.
Raving Mad
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Re: 07.13k: Of Moats and Marionettes

Post by misfit »

"Indeed. And as to your wish to remain discrete, more meetings like this would complicate that. I will see about setting up discrete channels of communication. Expect to hear from a proxy soon." Harrune knocks over his king. I concede the game. Well played."

OCC: Unless Rasanam has something to add, I think that about wraps it up.
Missing Some Marbles
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Re: 07.13k: Of Moats and Marionettes

Post by kitsunenotsume »

"On that note, if you enjoyed the pastries I would be most willing to aid in catering events in future. While the castle staff does their jobs admirably, no doubt certain engagements would benefit from fresh tea and biscuits without the intersession of unauthenticated participants*.
If it is of any assistance, I've left my contact details with Miss Keigwin"
Caelund neatly and efficiently folds up the board and secretes the pieces back within his covered platter.

He offers a gloved hand across the table to Harrune, "I extolled my compliments earlier, but they remain true. I look forward to working with you, Mister Harrune."

Turning to the mage, he offers a bow. "Mister Lydre, your aid this evening has been invaluable and greatly appreciated. The aesthetic demonstrations have been exemplary, particularly the dimensional rotation. However, perhaps I might suggest remaining vigilant for potential unintended security breaches hidden among the decoration." With this, Caelund brushes his own cheek with a knuckle and a hidden toothpick, causing a thin line of red to appear and bead**.

Following appropriate parting words to Cameron, he collects his platter, offers a collective bow to the assembled, and departs back toward the more populated gardens.
*: Relatively easily read as "Shape-shifting impersonators of castle staff", "Spies of a foreign power", and other similar connotations.
**: The wound is entirely superficial, but exactly sufficient to, say, break a Trump Sketch.