07.09s Ley of the Land

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Re: 07.09s Ley of the Land

Post by Joshua »

Chance will describe his hometown, Sigil. City of doors. Portals to all places and all things with races of every shape and description... Oddly, this is a little tame compared to that. Risk met him there, and had a portal key... Something that lets one leave or enter Sigil. Chance has no idea how Risk ended up gaining that. It's not like Risk can talk.

Chance grew up in the Hive Ward, a bit of a slum area.

He will also listen to where Spellbinder is from, but won't pry.
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Re: 07.09s Ley of the Land

Post by Spellbinder »

Spellbinder will tell Chance about his home city of New Yorkshire, your typical superhero infested metropo...uh...big city.* Tech is mainly on par with modern Earth, with some super tech kicking about. There are several publicly known magic users, yet for some reason many people are skeptical about the existence of real magic. They're cool with robots, aliens and mutants, but for some reason they get weird about magic. Go figure.

He'll go on to give Chance a few highlights of his superhero career. Eventually they arrive at their destination...

*Nope, no copyright infringement here. None at all.
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Re: 07.09s Ley of the Land

Post by Joshua »

(OOC: After a week, I don't have any good ideas for the docks. So after a brief talk with the player:)

The docks don't have standard drains that you might be expecting. The sewage seems to just wash down the roads on the side and into the bay*. There's a bit of a gap (more a series of alleys) between the dock area and the city itself. In some cases the distinction is hard to make out. (Zero city planning.)

A properly placed ditch (or two, one on each side of the main road) would be able to divert about 90% of the runoff from the city, if you were going to setup a plan. With a little planning, only about... two or three houses would need to be moved. They're mostly hovels, and at least one is built 'illegally' for the location it's in.
*: Everything's covered in feces! (Strange google results on that... yikes! And about two minutes into the video.)
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Re: 07.09s Ley of the Land

Post by Spellbinder »

"Wow, I'd say this was bad planning, but that would imply there was any planning. I think I can do something with this though. It will only be a stopgap measure but at least it will buy us time to do better." Spellbinder grimaces. "Well I guess I have to talk to Koschei again...and Oberon too. I didn't plan to go back today, but I guess... What do you say Chance, up for a visit to the festival?"
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Re: 07.09s Ley of the Land

Post by Joshua »

Chance blinks... "Just like that? I'm invited?" He blinks. "Of, of course. If I'll be safe."

(My guess is you'll arrive just before the football game.)
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Re: 07.09s Ley of the Land

Post by Spellbinder »

"Invited? I didn't know we needed one. Quin just took me and then I hung out with Oberon and some of the others. They all seemed to treat me like I belonged. I don't see any reason I can't go back, and I doubt anyone would object to me bringing my guide with me. What's the worst they can do? Throw us out? But first..."

Spellbinder will head back into the city to Koschei's headquarters. Assuming no one tries to stop him, Spellbinder will proceed in to speak to him. (If someone does try, Spellbinder will move them out of the way as gently as possible).

"Koschei, first thing I need to say is, I apologize. My anger was getting the better of me. I see so much wrong here, and will probably be finding more. I want to make things better. I want to make this a place you would want your children to grow up in. It's going to take a lot of work to get us there."

"You asked me to show you my power. I showed you in one way, but I've got a better way to do it. It may take as much as two or three days to pull it all together. Here's what I want to ask of you. Give me three days to show you. During that time you and your men don't kill or dismember anyone...except outsiders trying to muscle in on you. After I've done what I set out to do, we'll talk. Fair enough?"
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Re: 07.09s Ley of the Land

Post by Joshua »

Koschei will pause and think for a while. Sizing up Spellbinder. "Agreed.*," he will say.
*: It is hard to express the level of thought that goes into this. But ultimately it's "I think you're going to be an Amberite, and it's probably best to stay on your good side." He does clearly intend to use you for his advancement, but so be it.
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Re: 07.09s Ley of the Land

Post by Spellbinder »

"Great. Three days then. Come on Chance, we have places to go and people to see."

Once back in the street, he looks up the mountain towards the festival. "I think we should take the fast way to get there. Pick up Risk and hold onto him." When Chance does, Spellbinder picks him up. Before Chance can object, Spellbinder takes to the air and head back to the festival.
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