07.09c: Dwarf in a Box

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Re: 07.09c: Dwarf in a Box

Post by khadjair »

"I'll try to speak to both of them, maybe learn some of how it work. As for Sorcery? I know nothing. I'm a mechanician from a Shadow that has no truly mystic traditions. Though my wanderings showed me that crystaline resonance generation is a strongly local phenomenon. Though corpuscular weapons may be more widespread; they seem to be the sort of thing you'd only use in desperation from what little I know."

"It sounds like my plans to help the orcs fortify their settlement might be more important than I'd thought. I'd figured on something more ceremonial and symbolic, yet functional in a pinch. But this sounds like there may be a small chance that we could face a *real* siege, and sooner than we would hope. Nothing like a rush job to show what you're truly made of."

He turns to Osmund now. "I don't care for Dworkin, but I believe that he speaks important things. I know you wish to walk a Pattern; I would like to understand what he meant by 'not physically ready' though before that happens. I would rather not lose you, especially since you may have the benefit of being the first to walk the Pattern that knows there is a specific limitation to overcome to be successful. That should make eventual success more likely. Though for now... I want to make sure we have a Trump for you. I personally want one, but others should too. Just in case... well, you may be vulnerable to this thing in ways we aren't, and might make a little too tempting a target. I will do whatever pronouncements I must; for now you will be my official guest at Ht'gon, and I will make sure you have chambers appropriate for your station. What was that word you gave me earlier.. Count?"
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Re: 07.09c: Dwarf in a Box

Post by Joshua »

"It only channels sorcery. I can ground a dispel through it, but they are purely psychic... There was a reality they were real in, being a manifestation of my mind." He will sigh. "The sigil is a perfect defense, except for the cracks. It doesn't last very long when under attack."

To Cameron he explains, "When I saw harrune walk the pattern, I saw how draining it was. I can't... I'm strong, but I don't have the staying power he demonstrated. My best guess is that I would have collapsed about two thirds of the way through*..."

Osmund will nod to Cameron at the title. "That should be fine. Until Dworkin declares something. And if I am vulnerable... I shouldn't hold trump." He shivers. "I'm just concerned that you'll find a shadow instead of me if we leave Amber**."
*: Not that it matters, but that's about where Kokytos collapsed, approximately the second veil.
**: Per the book, this doesn't happen. Just by interacting with him, Osmund is at least "the one I talked to before". Let alone the fact he would be the only one with a broken pattern imprint***.
***: Osmund clearly doesn't know this. And most pcs probably don't either.
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Re: 07.09c: Dwarf in a Box

Post by Wyvern »

Alys frowns. "Unfortunate, but good to know. Also good to see you recovering so quickly from what Dworkin did."*

In response to Osmund's comment on shadows of himself, she shakes her head. "That should not be possible - at least, not by accident. And even if he did, it would not hold the power... 'potential', Dworkin called it - that you possess. Still, if you wished to be absolutely certain, you could remain here until Dworkin has drawn a card of you..."

To Cameron, she adds, "I would be interested in seeing your plans for fortifications, once you have them, if you do not mind? I am no engineer, but I know a bit about how to bring down such things..."

"Regardless, I would like to get back to the festivities proper; is there anything more that either of you would ask of me right now?"

* Those with psyche above Amber may note that this is only partly concern for Osmund's well-being; there is also a side-tone of "Something I did got you hurt; the less that hurt is, the less I feel I owe you for it."
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Re: 07.09c: Dwarf in a Box

Post by khadjair »

"I was going to do a more complete tour of the settlement and the environs around it, try to understand what we have to work with. So there ar eno plans quite as of yet. And I was trained to bring them down, but that helps you know where the weak spots are and how to avoid them. Otherwise... I guess we are done here. If there is more later, you have my card."

"Oh, and... thank you." He seems genuinely contrite over acting so petulant earlier.

"Osmund, do you want to return to the fetivities? If you're feeling up for it, we can get something to drink, and I can take you to Morgana and do a formal introduction. If you're not, I can take you back to my quarters for now and you can rest."
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Re: 07.09c: Dwarf in a Box

Post by Joshua »

Osmund will look at Alys then Cameron. "I'm okay to return to the festivities..." He will state... "And Morgana might be good. Is she still int he throne room?"
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Re: 07.09c: Dwarf in a Box

Post by khadjair »

Cameron will lead Osmund out and head towards the throne room.