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 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:44 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
"Ryan has better things to do than be a bunsen burner."

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:03 pm 
Needs a Guide

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:59 pm
Posts: 70
Quote file for : December 18

Game started with working on the character of Michael. He ended up with an Item of Power. While choosing what it would be...
GM : For the item of power... My first thought is something like "Lady Ira's Favor" - a length of red-gold silk cloth that can be used as a handkerchief, bandana, belt, etc. But other ideas are certainly plausible.
Michael OOC : Nah it would be a ribbon in my hair. Use it as a hair tie
Sam OOC : How big does it have to be? Hair ties are small
Michael OOC : guess the hair color is going red
Michael OOC : can use a length of ribbon to tie back hair
GM : Hm. Yeah, probably. When it's not on fire.
Michael OOC : LOL. Oh well purple to red.
Sam OOC : Asbestos hair tie?

The plan is to summon Baron Samedi to ask for help with un-poisoning the Uktena.
Sam : So what do we need to do? I'm just kind of along on this one, it isn't my forte.
Michael : Well, first we go to a graveyard. Then we offer him rum and cigars, and hope that he likes us.
Sam : Great!
Matthew : Yep, that about sums it up.
Sam : OK, so who's driving?
GM : So, one more thing? You have good ideas for what to do to not make him cranky when he shows up. What are you going to do to actually get him to *help*you?

There is discussion of what Baron Samedi is like as a god, and what he would want.
GM : You know, I could have Baron Samedi show up by possessing Michael. Then Michael's player can play Baron Samedi, so I don't have to.
Sam OOC : Oh that could be bad for the rest of us.

So, they do the ritual, and then make Lore checks.
GM : Anyone with a Lore roll higher than 2 knows that the ritual worked. Matthew, the ritual clearly failed.
Michael : Baron Samedi lights a cigar with his thumb because he knows he has fire powers.
Matthew : Well, Baron Samedi can light a cigar with his finger, so the ritual clearly worked!

Baron Samedi requests that the party stop an argument between two deities.
Michael OOC :All you have to do is stop an argument!
Sam OOC : I'm guessing that it is one that has been around for thousands of years?
Michael OOC : A couple hundred. Voodoo is a young religion.
Baron Samedi : No one can stand them fighting. It never stops.
Sam : Great, an impossible task. Just what we needed.

The group is attacked by fomori -
GM : You are being tackled by a football plater shaped fish-person, what would you do?
Baron Samedi : Put an undead in the middle of us.
Matthew OOC : Bock with zombie!

The scene has an Aspect of On Fire (due to Baron Samedi rolling low on a fire spell check) -
GM : Unless someone wants to spend a Fate Point to make that an Aspect?
Sam OOC : Make what an Aspect, again?
Inali : Soggy. Everything is soggy.
Sam OOC : Wait, I thought everything is On Fire. Is it On Fire and Soggy?
GM : No. One of the other casters made everything Soggy instead.
Sam OOC : So not both at the same time. Thanks for clarifying that physics still works.

The fomori mage realizes it is no going to survive, and unleashes a death curse. After Michael learns what a death curse is...
Michael : Baron Samedi spends one of Michael's Fate Points and says “This is MY domain, bitch.” He redirects the death curse onto one of the other fomori.

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:10 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
Halloween Costumes

David: Pirate
Tina: Ninja
Corinthia: Pirate Wench

Sam: Ninja (with genuine ninja suit)
Ikoji: Ninja kitsune

Inali: Samurai w/ lightning motif

TJ: Air Pirate (with fancy but non-functional mechanical wings)

Ryan: oriental dragon ninja
Kate: firebird pirate (with beta accessorized as a "parrot")

Michael: Pirate (accessorized with wenches)

Matthew: 19th century british archeologist
Ashyaru: blacksmith (hammer + metal "demonstration" armor)

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 6:31 pm 
Needs a Guide

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:59 pm
Posts: 70
Quote File for January 8:

There is a Halloween Costume Ball. There is much talk of costumes:
David : David and Tina are proposing a ninja versus pirate theme.
Sam OOC : Oh, wait, Sam has a custom-fitting ninja suit! Perfect!
Michael OOC : Pirates are better than ninja's. They have wenches.
Sam OOC : I know your theories about pirates over ninjas, but Sam has a ninja suit! She's got to wear it.
Michael OOC : She could dress up Ikoji as her wench.
Sam OOC : No.

Sam is not the only one thinking about costumes:
Ryan OOC : Does Kate have a particular costume idea, or is Ryan building a transforming Transformers costume? :D
Ryan OOC : (The question about Kate was more "does she have a costume", since there's something to be said for having complementary costumes. :) )
Ryan OOC : Hm. Maybe some variety of merwoman and firebird pairing or something. :-/
Inali OOC : Go Oriental and do firebird/lung dragon?
Inali OOC : I believe the firebird was the female in that pairing, so it wouldn't even link fire with you in that pairing.
Ryan OOC : ... lung dragon?
Inali OOC : The long snakey ones, as opposed to wyrm-ish Western dragons.
Inali OOC : Lung/long/transliterationissillylikethat.
Inali OOC : <-- not a pirate
Ryan OOC : Hm. Wait, Ryan is a teenageish boy. If he can get Kate into some kind of sexy pirate outfit, he'd go in on that theme. :-D
Inali OOC : Haha.
Ryan OOC: Chinese transliterations are... tricky at best.
GM : Well, sexy outfit of some sort is likely, whether it's pirate or firebird or whatever...
Ryan OOC : Although the firebird/dragon combo is more likely to be unique. :-/
GM : True.
GM : Pirate firebird?
Inali OOC : And ninja dragon?
Sam OOC : Ha!
Sam OOC : I approve
Ryan OOC : Craftsmanship: +7 firebird for the lady, +4 dragon for myself.
Ryan OOC : There are probably some pirate/ninja touches, but Ryan tends a little away  from the absurd.
Gm : Haha. Right. So Kate might actually win a costume contest if there is one.
GM : ...There should be one.

Still more costumes!
David OOC : I need a parrot.
Sam OOC : Can you rent a parrot?
Michael OOC : I don't know if you can rent a parrot, but I'll have a monkey.
Michael OOC : Pirates should have monkeys!
Roommate of Michael's player : Are they flying monkeys? They should be flying monkeys?
GM : Is it an actual monkey? Or are you dressing up one of your friends as a monkey?
Michael OOC : No, they are wenches!
Roomate of Michael's player : Monkey wenches? Ew!
Michael OOC : No, just a monkey...
GM : Where is he getting a monkey that is sufficiently trained to be party-safe?
Michael OOC : Ummm, somebody in college has got to have a monkey. This is a magical college, someone has got to have a monkey.
GM : I believe the answer to that declaration is NO.
Michael OOC : Really there is no monkey-possessor here? What kind of a magical college is this?
GM : If there is, it is an orangutan, and you are crumpled in trash an somewhere for calling it a monkey!
Sam OOC : *laughs*
GM : Fortunately for Michael, there is no orangutan either!

Michael has some of the punch. Matthew makes a Lore check and realizes that the fae food and drink affects the students' costumes at the party. Michael has drank some punch.

GM : You did drink the punch. You have a tag on an Aspect of I'm a Pirate!
Matthew : The food makes their costumes real.
Sam, who has an idea : Can I see your sword? (to Michael)
Michael : No.
Sam : Why?
Michael : It's not a cutlass, it is a Gladius.
Sam OOC : GM, he drank the punch, is his gladius now a cutlass?
Sam rolls a 4 on her Lore Check and makes the declaration.
Sam : That's a cutlass. You can tell because it is curvy.
Michael : That's great. I need more punch.

The Halloween Party with the Winter Fae magic-ed food and drink made Matthew curious. Why did the woman in the Snow Queen costume do this? He went to ask...

Matthew : Speaking of everyone else being distracted, I suppose I should ask the ice queen what her motives are, expecting her to lie, but giving her a chance to brag at least.
GM : "Oh, nothing too much. Just collecting a few minor favors for later. You know, on the "will you donate to the save the polar bears fund?" scale."
GM : She offers you a cute little baby polar bear. You're not sure where it came from.

Michael leaves the dance with his new date...

GM : When you get to your car, you find a shuriken, fashioned out of cupcake icing, stuck on your car to look like it has embedded one point in the car.
Matthew OOC : Inali dances in glee
GM : It is probably in a tire, where you can see it.
Michael : I text message Inali “Samurai did not use shuriken. They were a peasant weapon. Your costume is all wrong!”

For future reference – Ryan will need to go on a spirit quest to better connect to Phoenix (or disconnect...). The player makes a realization -

Ryan OOC : Completely unrelated note... For a traditional spirit quest, you're accompanied by your totem, aren't you? Ryan is going to have to _ask_ the raccoon to come with him, *on purpose*.

The girl Michael pucks up at the party gives him her contact information – a PO box...

GM : Think of it as being old-fashioned. Would real pirates have used text messages?
Michael OOC : No. A real pirate would have tied her up, taken her to his ship, and declared her property.
GM : Well, two out of three isn't bad.

GM : To the reporters in the party, what is in the story?
David : Oh god.
Sam OOC : That would make a great headline...
David : They lost, so I'm going with “Ninjas Gone Wild.”

David goes to investigate the death of the Knight of the Cross, who lived across the hall from Michael in one of the hotels that is housing both SU students and normal guests. Micheal sent his new potential girlfriend to look into it to. Then David knocks on Michael's door -
Michael : That was you?
David : Me?
Michael : Across the hall?
Corinthia waves “ Hi”
David, on seeing Corinthia : Really, Micheal?
Michael : Really what?
David : You're boinking my minion?
Michael : A) No boinking yet. B) Didn't know she was your minion. You could have said something. And you, (points at Corinthia) Winter Court?

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:37 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
GM: Oh, and something Inali might have noticed: the livejournal of the pterosaur guy?  Has a somewhat grainy cell phone photo of his home complex from above, dated as a few hours after the halloween party, with a note of "Apparently I took this picture last night.  WTF?"
Veyska: Hahaha.
Veyska: Inali will take a higher-res version and send it to him anonymously.  :-3
GM: Lol.
GM: What time of day?
Veyska: For the pic?  Roughly whatever his was at.
GM: After that, someone else will post a comment of "Ok, who's the joker with the unregistered ultralight?"
Veyska: Hey now, I was invisible when I did this.  <-<
GM: Well how else do you explain photos of the complex from above?
Veyska: Kite!
Veyska: Or remote controlled airplane...
GM: Ah, good point.  Yes.  Someone (possibly Inali) will link to one of those new-ish remote control airplanes w/ camera in it.
GM: I don't know if it is, but it feels very much like an "imported japanese electronics" thing.

Matthew is ambushed by something that may be a kumiho. Upon getting clawed to the back of the head, his reaction is to congratulate on excellent detective work.

"My character is much better than me at diplomacy with things that are trying to eat my face."
"On the plus side, she's not trying to eat your face right this second."
"Good! That means much less collateral damage for Sam to yell at me about later."
"...She'd much prefer your liver, anyway."

Ferret sayeth: "Being as i haven't declared where Ashyaru is, she's only a fate point away!" Better be in the quote file.

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:16 pm 
Needs a Guide

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:59 pm
Posts: 70
Quote file for January 22

So, there was a dead Knight of the Cross...

Sam, on doing research n the Kumiho, to see if one might have killed the Knight of the Cross and taken his liver -

Sam : It says right here, page one “It can freely transform, among other things, into a beautiful girl often set out to seduce men, and eat their liver.”
Sam : So maybe the reason the Knight of the Cross was not on duty when he died is that he was having a personal life, that involved sex. With something that decided to kill him and eat his liver.
Sam, turning to Michael : So that makes your love life look GREAT!
Michael : Now I'm worried about her....

The group has two things to look into : whether the police have the sword of God, and what is up with some local grave-robing which may be the Kumiho -

David : So investigating the graves involves the possibility of meeting the bad guy and being in over my head. So I can't resist.
Michael : So since you can't resist, I'll make sure to step away every once in a while for you.
David : I was being sarcastic...
David : So I'm just gonna ask, you're being a bith bitchy lately. What's up?
Michael : Well, the girl I was checking out is your minion and Winter Court.... um...

Talk turns to how the whole group has unusual relationships. For instance, Sam and Ikoji shared a bed in Hawaii on the reasoning that “fox = great footwarmer” -

David : She's getting tail every week, but it means something different to her.
Sam : Okay then.
Matthew OOC : And that's when the conversation dove off a cliff.... and exploded.

The great plan to find the Kumiho -
David : And then we could send people to bars to find her.
Sam : Wait, you want to send people to bars to find a Korean fox-woman who eats people's livers? … Who are you volunteering for that?
David : I said find her, not confront her, and not people who would fry the speaker systems...

And the plan continues to unfold -
So Inali, you've never been able to resist following me someplace stupid. To the graveyard?

The plan begins to bear a resemblance to a certain TV show -

David : We really need a purple van with daises. And a dog.
Michael : I am not wearing an ascot.
David : OK, you can be Shaggy. I'll be Freddy.
GM : Ummm....
David OOC : It could be worse, GM. I could have said “You can be Daphne.”

Ryan : Why are we going to bars? I mean, I understand why people like to go looking for stuff in bars, but is there a reason?
Sam : She's a woman, and she eats peoples' livers. We think that her preferred means of hunting is picking people up in bars, going home with them. and eating their livers.
Ryan : Oh. Is this happening a lot? Has there been a rash of people with their livers missing?
GM : Well, it was just on the news this morning.

In the graveyard -

David : I just kind of look at the nothingness around us and hope that Inali will appear.
Inali : I didn't say that Inali was invisible...
Everyone else : We just assume that.

The Scooby Gang is having trouble coming up with a plan to deal with the kumiho, the ghouls, and the Denarian -
GM : Right. This reminds me of Benabik's game a couple of nights ago. Which means I should have you jumped by ninjas right about now.
Matthew OOC : Or ghouls...

The Scooby Gang gets a call from Erik, who says he can't say why but he can confirm the theory that the kumiho was a hired gun (so to speak).

Sam : I think that is code for someone tried to hire him to kill the Knight, and he said no.
David : I put Erik on hold.
David : So Sam, what do you think he can tell us?
Sam : He can't give us much. He can't say who tried to hire him, because then he'd have tons of people trying to kill him. He might be able to say when he “found out about it” (Sam does the air quotes) to give us an idea of when the kumiho was hired.
Sam thinks more.
Sam : Oh, and if she is an assassin, who takes as part of her pay someone's liver, Erik might know her in a professional sense.
David : So Sam, do you want to interrogate Erik?
David hands her the phone.
Sam : Hi Erik. It's been a while.

Michael is asked by the rest of the gang how to hire an assassin. So he calls the Summer Court Rep -

Michael : So, how do you go about hiring an assassin? One that gets paid in livers?
GM : That seems awfully specific...?
Michael : No, it's really not.

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:17 pm 
Needs a Guide

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:59 pm
Posts: 70
Quote File for February 5

GM supplied quotes:

GM: Oh, and something Inali might have noticed: the livejournal of the pterosaur guy? Has a somewhat grainy cell phone photo of his home complex from above, dated as a few hours after the halloween party, with a note of "Apparently I took this picture last night. WTF?"
Veyska: Hahaha.
Veyska: Inali will take a higher-res version and send it to him anonymously. :-3
GM: Lol.
GM: What time of day?
Veyska: For the pic? Roughly whatever his was at.
GM: After that, someone else will post a comment of "Ok, who's the joker with the unregistered ultralight?"
Veyska: Hey now, I was invisible when I did this. <-<
GM: Well how else do you explain photos of the complex from above?
Veyska: Kite!
Veyska: Or remote controlled airplane...
GM: Ah, good point. Yes. Someone (possibly Inali) will link to one of those new-ish remote control airplanes w/ camera in it.
GM: I don't know if it is, but it feels very much like an "imported japanese electronics" thing.

Matthew is ambushed by something that may be a kumiho. Upon getting clawed to the back of the head, his reaction is to congratulate on excellent detective work.

"My character is much better than me at diplomacy with things that are trying to eat my face."
"On the plus side, she's not trying to eat your face right this second."
"Good! That means much less collateral damage for Sam to yell at me about later."
"...She'd much prefer your liver, anyway."

Ferret sayeth: "Being as i haven't declared where Ashyaru is, she's only a fate point away!" Better be in the quote file.

This is the game the note-taker did not attend. But she did read the chat logs. So the quote file is entirely cut-and-paste from Skype chat.

There is no context for this:
Inali OOC : I think one of his previous characters was a narcoleptic flying carpet seller.

Matthew OOC : “Being as I haven't declared where Ashyaru is, she's only a fate point away!" Better be in the quote file.

Also, no context at all for this:
Ryan OOC : baby seals!

And the note-taker does not want to know why this roll was needed -
Ryan OOC : "Roll Stamina+Occult"

Inali's question to the GM -
Inali : Is there anything peculiar about him beyond being someone who sleep-shapeshifts into an extinct species?

Also, Inali has adventures -
Inali : So yeah, I show back home with a dimorphodon on my shoulder. Veil will be dropped once I'm inside.
Inali : Oh great. I better get a fate point if I end up with a naked college student in my house...
Inali : Wait, he shapeshifts back as I'm carrying him?
David OOC : Is he randomly stirking dimorphodon poses while clicking his bracelet and morphodon ranger time?

Again, no context -
Inali : Nono. clearly the dimorphodon mecha shifts into human form.

Inali : Given Inali's perspective, she'd be inclined to say she fixed him.

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:04 pm 
Needs a Guide

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:59 pm
Posts: 70
Quote File for February 18

GM : David, that guy from last game would like to know what the training you arranged would cost.
David : Just give me ay info about lawbreakers, and do me one small favor sometime.
GM : He agrees, after a perfectly reasonable amount of paranoia if one were, say, a Fae.

On the subject of Mothers-in-Law:
David : Worst comes to worst, I take my wife and kids and relocate to a new continent.

GM : Part A of Surika's plan did involve killing a small village, and it went downhill from there.
GM : But it did end up with the Red Court no longer being at war with the White Council.
Sam OOC : By virture of no longer existing?
GM : Well, yes.
David OOC : And California.
Sam OOC : California?
David OOC : No longer existing.
Sam OOC : Oh, great.
GM : Oh no, California would be mostly fine. It's South America that would get the brunt of THAT.
Sam OOC : So when you pick a continent to move to, not South America.
GM : I believe his last ditch plan did involve moving to South America...

Matthew needs backup/assistance -
Matthew : So who would I call? Why Sam, because unlike many of the other party members, she has morals, and is not crazy, like me.
Ryan OOC : Ryan has morals. Just little common sense.
Inali : Inali has common sense... She ust ignores it because it's more amusing...
Matthew : Hmmmmm, and I need someone with deceit. I'll call Michael.
Matthew : Criminals are more honest than the Fae, and easier to talk to.

Matthew : Bring your thug disguise.
Michael : Thug disguise, thug disguise... clothes four times bigger than I am. Got it.
Michael OOC : I don't think the Summer Court has thugs.
GM : The Summer Court has plenty of thugs. They are ogres.
Michael OOC : Oh.

Michael is thinking of a cover story, and settles on the idea that he, Sam, and Michael are a new gang in the area looking to get info.
Michael OOC : One person can be taken out far more easily than a gang.
Matthew OOC : Well, we are a posse of three.
Sam OOC : Oh lord, I'm in a posse.
GM : Would you like to spend a Fate Point and bring along an ogre?
Michael OOC : Hrmmmm, we don't have an enforcer.
Sam OOC : Yeah, none of us are beefy enough.
Michael OOC : Sure, I'll bring an ogre.
Matthew OOC : Every posse needs a big dumb ogre.
Michael OOC : This is sounding more and more like Burn Notice.
Sam OOC : Oh, does that mean I'm Fiona?
Michael OOC : Yes, and I'm going to be telling you not to shoot stuff.
Sam OOC : It's just like being Fiona!

GM : Would you like to interrogate the ogre?
Matthew : How is the ogre feeling today?
GM : Monosyllabic.

Sam, asking the ogre : Did you promise not to say who they are, or did you just promise not to say what you were doing?
GM : The Ogre grunts at you . You think that was n affirmative.
Matthew OOC : That wasn't a yes or no answer!

Matthew : We're an awesome posse. Michael is the ringleader. I'm the infiltration, Sam is the lookout/backup, and the ogre is the muscle!

The Posse arrives in gang territory.
GM : Ah, you must be the emissaries from the Golden Ferrets that we were expecting. Right this way.
Michael OOC : What the heck? We're being treated nicely? I figured this would start with a fight.
Sam OOC : And you wouldn't let me bring the explosives! Why?

The GM on plot -
GM : I have a whole set of options! Including three leviathans!

Ryan : Ryan finds a quiet portion of the blast zone.
Sam OOC : When you need to do anything, go to the blast zone!

GM : Oh man, TJ as a spirit. “You want water-breathing? Sure, I can do that” *holds out SCUBA gear*
Inali OOC : Steampunk SCUBA gear.
Michael OOC : I'm thinking a Jules Verne era diving helmet...
GM : Yeah...

Kate is described after the spirit quest starts -
GM : When she opens her eyes, they are a normal bland human grey. And the fangs are gone.
Sam OOC : She has fangs? Oops!
GM : They have been there from game one!

The phoenix-robot is actually a Phoenix spirit in disguise and is leading Ryan and Kate on their quest, along with a raccoon spirit...
Matthew-Raccoon : And a raccoon follows the group.
Sam-Phoenix : Is the raccoon keeping pace?
Matthew-Raccoon : Yes.
Sam-Phoenix : Oh good, that means I don't have to pick you up, carry you, and light you on fire.

Ryan needs help hiding, and his raccoon friend has an idea...
Matthew-Raccoon : It's going to be a bit of a stretch, but he had some dry ice on him.
Sam OOC : HOW? How do you randomly have dry ice?
Matthew-Raccoon : It's a spirit realm.

The spirit quest finds a tiger in a bottle floating down a river, and ends up on the shores of a lake, where a shark with a trident walks out.
David-Shark : There is nothing so sad as a predator who gets caught.
Sam-Tiger : I have one word for you – Aquariums.

Offers are made by spirits, and Kate is curious about her children. The giant whale helps
Michael-Cyote : Of course Leviathan will be there for generations. It has nothing better to do

It was determined that the raccoon won everything.
Matthew-Raccoon : The raccoon... in human guise... Is a fairly small, girl of about 16 wears thick black glasses, still retains the racoon ears... wears overalls and a blue shirt... In one hand she holds a drill and the other a monkey wrench.
Matthew-Raccoon : It puts down the wrench and drill and hugs Ryan. You asked for its help. Clearly she took that literally.
Inali-Lutear : The lutear chuffs in laughter.

The Lutear won, in terms of becoming Kate's spirit animal. The tiger in a bottle won, in that it will be freed in a different manner. The Leviathan maintains that it won, as it is a great baby-sitter and will work on the kids.

Matthew : This was the racoon's plan all along.
Private message session between Matthew and the GM -
Matthew : I need to provoke a conflict between these two... I have a +4(at least) to stealth so i might be able to pull it off.
The Pheonix and the Ice Drake start arguing on their own
Matthew : Oh look i win.
Matthew : Oh. Ryan asked me to help him on this quest, can i use that to officially declare myself to be his spirit animal?
Matthew : Seems like a valid deal to me.
GM : Yes.
Matthew : Then it is done.
Matthew : *smirk*

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:22 pm 
Needs a Guide

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:59 pm
Posts: 70
Qutoe file for March 4

Michael needs to visit Summer -
Michael : I need to return the goon.
Sam OOC : The goon is in good shape?
GM : The goon is a bit disgruntled because he didn't get to hit anything
Michael OOC : We can fix that.
GM : Oh really? What were you thinking of?
Michael : The Golden Ferrets. We need to take care of them.
Sam OOC : You want to take care of them now, without looking into things?
Michael OOC : We could give him an IOU.
Matthew OOC : An IOU for future smashing things?
Michael OOC : Oh, and I got 5k from that gang. And I need to start a gang.
Sam OOC : You have us, for a start.
Michael OOC : And a goon.
Sam OOC : Yeah, you have a posse. You could expand the posse into a gang.
GM : You do need to return the goon, at some point.
Sam OOC : You know, if you added in Ikoji and our various significant others, we'd probably have enough people for a gang.
GM : You know, saner minds might say that you don't need a gang. What would you do with a gang?
Michael OOC : Fun. Profit.... TAKE BACK THE HOOD.
GM : What?
Michael : Well, the Golden Ferrets are trying to take it over. We could just take it.

(much later in game, but it fits!)
David OOC : Dude you need to get a tattoo and start wearing colors. We need to fist bump at greetings now
David OOC : You have acquired Shrek. We're letting out the talking cat. All we need is donkey.
GM : Wrong ogre.

David decides to go home and visit his mother. He takes the Uktena along. There is a boy there...
GM, as the mother : Right, we'll get him some armor.
David : That's probably a good idea. She's still young, and she gets rambunctious.
Inali OOC : She's a scale-y dire Great Dane... Puppy Great Dane.
GM : That's about right.
David OOC : Hmm. I might need to acquire some milk bones from Winter... Can you distil emotion into something small and chewable?

GM : When we say armor, we are talking about kid-sized full plate armor.

The group is contemplating a ritual that involves an ice drake.
David : I could call Ryan. But I'm not sure I want Phoenix magic involved.
GM : Hrm... Phoenix fire. You'd get fate points. The ritual might even do what you want it to do. But you'd get Fate Points.
Sam OOC : It might also do things you didn't intend it to do?

Ryan is letting people know where he will be before the ritual from the previous game -
Ryan would at least let her know that he was going into the Blast Zone to do a thing.
Sam : Would you like me to come along as backup so that while you're doing the thing you don't have to watch your back in case you get jumped?
Ryan : No, I think we'll be fine. But if I'm not back by 5:00 tomorrow...
Sam : I don't suppose you'd object to carrying a tracking device...
Ryan : I'm not sure it would still work after several rituals.
Sam : Can you at least give me a hair sample so that someone can do a tracking spell?
Sam OOC : Yes, Sam is now getting paranoid about these things.
Ryan : Ummmm, I'll be doing a ritual at Inali's shrine, and I don't think we'd wander off...
Sam : Oh good, she'll know where that is.

Kate, Ryan's now-fiance, has a new Nature and also changed her physical appearance, resulting in her clothes not fitting.
Ryan OOC : Ryan did think “Pheonix Fire can change things. I can probably limit that to just size...” but thought better of it.
GM : Yes, you would have had clothes on fire...
Matthew OOC : It would have been awesome!
GM : On the other hand, you would have lit clothes on fire that didn't fit anyway, so it would have been no great loss.
Ryan OOC : But there is that whole setting clothes on fire in a house issue...
GM : There is that.

Ryan and Kate are making their own rings -
Ryan : What kind of ring would Ryan design? The thought wouldn't have actually occurred to him, but since it had been brought up to him (indirectly)...
David OOC : He should make it hollow form something non heat conductive with phoenix fire running through the middle coloring the ring
Sam OOC : OK, David's idea of a ring is awesome, but it still is ON FIRE.

And then Ryan does research on his new connection to the raccoon.
Ryan reads over "Raccoon as a power animal" web pages. … This may be, um, interesting.
Sam OOC : And now you might get furry porn...
Ryan OOC : No, the internet doesn't do everything yet. Besides, the phrase “spirit animal helps”
Matthew OOC : They're working on that Ryan... Just give the internet time to fill out all valid combinations of words.
Sam OOC : You'd get some, with “power animal,” I think. Change it to “spirit animal” and you get a bunch of New Age stuff...
David OOC : No thankfully, because I tried that phrase before you made your point
Ryan OOC : Exactly.
Inali OOC : You know, I think Ryan is getting one of those animal-sleeping-suits (kirigumi or something like that) in a raccoon style for whatever the next appropriate holiday is. Kate may well get an otter one, if Inali finds out. … Or bear, but otters are cuter.
David OOC : Nice with footie pajamas?
Inali OOC : I was mostly just thinking that it would give Kate an option to wave a fate point at getting more wardrobe instead of $.
David OOC : Aww. Now they work together to form their own furry club
Ryan OOC : "Disguise / Curiosity / Dexterity / Cunning / Transformation" (from a spirit animal website about Raccoons)
David OOC : it's all so twisted and cute

Michael's player was also thinking of going on a Spirit Quest, so he would not be tied to the Summer Court -
Michael OOC : I'm not so sure about this spirit animal thing.
Sam OOC : You didn't know it involved physical changes?
Michael OOC : No, I thought it was all : pick an animal, get some bonuses, be happy...
GM : I think you'd go on the quest and the animals would all run away from you
Inali OOC : It's whichever one you can catch.
David OOC : Sloth!
GM : The only think I can think of locally that would fit you would be Phoenix. And I'll note that Phoenix is insane.
Michael OOC : I'd kill Phoenix.
David OOC : That would cement David's opinion of Michael. He's the only one narcissistic enough to drag Phoenix down into being emo with him.

Ahhhhh, party dynamics!
Michael OOC : The problem is that this party doesn't try to talk things out.
David OOC : Hey, I try to talk things out!
Matthew OOC : You've just no good at it!

The group listens to Michael talking to the Summer Court rep and trying to distance himself from the Court and its plans...
David OOC : Ahhh!!! I's not just david that's gets in over his head and then turns around saying oops Inali OOC : Inali dives in headfirst, but she has better taste and aim. >->
Ryan OOC : Because Ryan isn't in over his head at all...

Suggestions of things that the Summer Court rep could do to impress upon Michael that he owes them -
GM : This is not the Winter Court, so making him stab himself in the hand is unlikely...
Inali OOC : Make him give himself a hotfoot.
Sam OOC : Forcing him to kneel and grovel in the traditional position might work.
GM : The Summer Court is about growth and fertility, so...
David OOC : She could make his hair grow out past shoulder length.
GM : She could give him some minor lust or something.
Inali OOC : Yeah, make the ex-White Court virgin horny, that's not ironic at all... lol

The GM recounts what the players are up to -
GM : So, Ryan is building a portal into the reactor...
Ryan OOC : This is a perfectly sane plan. ... Honest. >.> <.< Matthew OOC : NO IT IS NOT. And I know insane. I'm an expert.
Sam OOC : As I recall, there were worse alternatives.
GM : Oh yes, there were worse alternatives.
Matthew OOC : That's like saying it's not as insane as Surika's plan.

Surika's plan, which involves getting rid of the Red Court but sacrificing a lot of people in South America -
Matthew OOC : Ashiaru's comments on Surika's plan are “That's a great plan!”
Sam OOC : Oh crap.

 Post subject: Re: Quote file!!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:43 pm 
Needs a Guide

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:59 pm
Posts: 70
Quotes for March 11:

Ryan is organizing an expedition to look at Ancient Sumerian ruins -
Sam OOC : So, does anyone call Sam about this?
Matthew OOC : We're going to be trolling ancient Sumerian ruins. There might be ghouls. So yes, guns are good.
Sam : Right then, how are we getting there? Because getting me and my equipment there gets... interesting if we take a plane.
Matthew : So, NeverNever it is.
GM : I will note that, given where you are going, you're going to be traveling through Summer territory.
Inali OOC : So right, we're not taking David along.
Matthew OOC : I hereby declared that David was tied up in summer customs
GM : Summer being what it is, that is quite possibly literal.

So, we totally know what we are doing in the former Sumer -
Matthew OOC : I have no plan, and that's why I haven't attempted this before :)
Sam OOC : Oh crap, we're screwed.
Inali OOC : What? Oh.

The group suddenly acquires Ryan, who arrived late to game -
Sam OOC : Sam gets out a really big gun, and some elephant ammo. Oh yeah, the reason we came through the NeverNever is that Sam brought a lot of guns. And some grenades...
Ryan OOC : I assumed we were traveling by unconventional means because if Ryan left the top secret military project to go on a trip to Iraq for unspecified reasons, there would be a problem.

Ancient ruins often have one feature -
GM : Well, you do have someone along with an Aspect of What Would Indiana Jones Do? There are probably traps.
Inali OOC : Traps to trap boobies!
Sam OOC : Maybe we can trap ghouls in them...

Let's get this show on the road -
Sam OOC : So who is going first?
Matthew OOC : Indianna Jones?
Matthew OOC : Someone else might volunteer, but I don't think they are going to succeed.

Ashiaru was disappointed that the group was not killing all the ghouls.
Matthew OOC : She should be well aware of the relationship between this party and property damage.

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